The exam must be written between November 15 and December 15, 2014. No extensions will be given. Only one attempt will be permitted during this time. Anyone not meeting their required mark for their NOCP level must contact their local high school assignor to discuss further actions required.
User IDs and Passwords were e-mailed on or around November 12th. If you didn’t receive yours and you did register online and pay your fees, please contact MABO Exam Administrator, Martha Bradbury, at mbradbury@shaw.ca. Passwords are individual by user and no one else has access to your password.

Once the exam has begun, it must be completed, there is no stopping partway through and continuing later as the time will continue.
MABO is offering MABO members that would benefit from having the 2014 CABO exam offered orally the chance to do that. This will be offered only once on Thursday, November 27th at 6:30pm at Vincent Massey Collegiate, 975 Dowker Avenue. The questions will be read, verbatim, to all attending members but no clarification on questions will be provided. Participants will login using their credentials sent to them on or around November 12th and complete the exam online. This will be a proctored exam and use of rulebooks is not permitted. If you want to take advantage of this, please e-mail Provincial Interpreter, Martha Bradbury, at mbradbury@shaw.ca by November 25th. Only pre-registered members that provided notification will be allowed to participate. If no member responds, the session will be cancelled and all members will be expected to complete the exam online, on their own, by December 15th.
Questions for accessing the exam should be directed to mbradbury@shaw.ca
Martha Bradbury
MABO Provincial Interpreter
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