Q: A1 has begun the act of shooting for a field goal when A2 is charged with a foul on B2. A1 finishes his shot with a continuous motion. Interpretation: The ball becomes dead when A2 is charged with a foul. The goal, if made, shall not count. Regardless of the number of team A fouls in the quarter, the game shall be resumed with a team B throw-in from the place nearest to where the foul occurred.
If the basket is made wouldn't the throw-in be from the free-throw line extended, overruling such?
A: The foul is on the offensive player A2, and therefore, the ball becomes dead immediately. The shooter, A1, is not permitted to continue his/her act of shooting (i.e. no continuous motion). Therefore, we are not waving off (cancelling) any basket since the foul occurred before the release of the ball. And as such, the game shall be resumed with a team B throw-in from the place nearest to where the foul occurred.
If the basket is made wouldn't the throw-in be from the free-throw line extended, overruling such?
A: The foul is on the offensive player A2, and therefore, the ball becomes dead immediately. The shooter, A1, is not permitted to continue his/her act of shooting (i.e. no continuous motion). Therefore, we are not waving off (cancelling) any basket since the foul occurred before the release of the ball. And as such, the game shall be resumed with a team B throw-in from the place nearest to where the foul occurred.