Officials Dave Morphy, Ness Siemens and Alyssa Bauer |
Congratulations to Manitoba officials who were recently recognized at the Canadian Association of Basketball Officials AGM. The 2015 Executive Merit Award was presented to MABO's president
Dave Morphy as recognition to an official who has a made significant contribution to CABO. The
2015 Ritchie/Nicurity Scholarships recipients included two Manitoba officials including...
- Janessa Siemens - University of Winnipeg
- Alyssa Bauer - University of Manitoba

The Ritchie/Nicurity Scholarship program was first established in 1996. The purpose was to provide financial assistance to promising younger officials to assist in furthering their education. Each scholarship had a value of $500.00, and four were to be awarded annually.
Click here for more information on awards and scholarship criteria.